GG Terahertz science

GG terahertz (THz) Advanced 2023 Nanotechnology. Cold, Warm and, Hot terahertz waves ! With Negative Ions.

Designed for handheld Thin, Light, and Powerful

Location of the electromagnetic spectrum has confirmed to be one of the most elusive. Terahertz radiation is loosely described via the frequency range of 1 to 10 THz  (1012 cycles per second). Being located between infrared light and microwave radiation.
Terahertz frequency resonates with normal human cells, activating dormant cells and reducing unhealthy cells

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Terahertz technology

GG Terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI) TPI is a completely non distractive device when used as per instructured. 

With 800 watt, 1100 watt and  1300 watt power, ultra short pulses of electromagnetic radiation at lower frequencies than infrared 1 THz =  (1012 cycles per second)

The GG Terahertz frequency bombards with chips using Nano technology, producing powerful penetration ability through human tissues reaching to the bone cells and bone marrow by producing to different waves for the first time Cold, Warm, Hot waves

Our living environment is affected by the artificial electromagnetic wave (EMF) generated by various consumer electronic products, and we are surrounded by it. High voltage electricity, communication towers, microwave ovens, computers, mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets and countless other devices will all generate electromagnetic waves. Excessive electromagnetic waves will not only damage cell functions, but also cause the human body to lose balance, leading to serious problems such as immunity, physiological function decline and cancer. 

All living beings have their resonance frequencies. You, me, others, and the whole world are in energy exchange and resonate with the body’s biological field to coordinate the energy frequencies. When the resonance frequency is harmonious, people’s psychological, emotional and physical health is relatively strong. When the energy consumption of living things or external interference, will become fatigued and mental and emotional instability

GG Terahertz key components are a unique combination of crystal elements with 99.999% purity. It acts like an oscillator to transform and conduct energy and become a more condensed vibration; uses an element based on a quantum frequency modulation resonator. When the vibration frequencies of two objects are close, resonance will occur. 

For example, holding two identical tuning forks, when one tuning fork starts to vibrate, the other tuning fork with the same audio frequency will vibrate, and the vibration of the second tuning fork will be feedback to enhance resonance. 

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GG Terahertz Health benefits

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  1. Improve micro-circulation: It has a good conditioning effect on various chronic diseases caused by micro-circulation disorders 

  2.  Balance bio-electricity: improve the disorder of various tissues and organs caused by bio-electricity  imbalance.

  3. Enhance immunity: inhibit tumors, improve sub-health, and improve disease resistance. . Relieve fatigue caused by physiological jet lag

  4. Enhance concentration and make performance better in all aspects
  5. Reduce electromagnetic waves and radiation damage to the human body
  6. Help sleep, effectively improve insomnia and sleep disorders
  7. Effectively stabilize personal emotions, reduce anxiety and release stress, and effectively relieve headaches
  8. • Increasing muscle strength, strength, and endurance, and increase vitality
  9. It can help human cells to eliminate toxins, improve skin condition, and enhance energy and physical  strength

  10. Aids faster healing of fractured bones
  11. Enhance lymphatic circulation
  12. Decreases edema
  13. Direct Entry into Cells
  14. Help absorption
  15. Accelerate metabolism
  16. Enhance the vitality of the human body
  17. Lower blood viscosity
  18. Detoxification
  19. Enhance repair body cells
  20. Enhance rejuvenate body cells
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Health Benefit of GGTerahertz Frequency

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  • Penetrating biological effects. Far-infrared terahertz waves can penetrate 3-5 centimeters of human skin, directly act on the deep tissue, supplement the energy of life cells, regulate the physiological functions of the body, and accelerate the generation and decomposition of cells
  • Activate the biological effect of water molecules. Water molecules account for about 70% of the body weight, and cells account for about 40% of water molecules. The binding state of water molecules has an important impact on the activity of cells. Terahertz activates single molecules, reduces blood viscosity, enhances cell regeneration, enhances immunity, and has the effect of delaying aging
  • Individuals who have used terahertz therapy for wellness have reported improved circulation, enhanced immunity, detoxification, more energy, and much more. 

Blue Light Therapy (BLT) LIGHT WAVE QUANTUM Red light therapy (RLT) Blue Light / Red Light

BLUE LIGHT Blue Light Therapy (BLT) is a popular acne treatment for people of all ages. It can help clear up acne and treat sun damage. The most popular use of Blue Light Therapy today is for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne. Blue light kills acne bacteria quickly, naturally, and without side effects

What many people don’t realize though is that dermatologists have been providing blue light therapy to patients for a number of years now to help prevent or remove skin issues and achieve other important skincare goals

Blue light is a high-energy, high-penetration visible light with a wavelength of 380 to 500 nanometers. It can change the cell structure, kill bacteria, provide a suitable environment for new cells, promote the production of new collagen and collagen, and promote cell growth. It can repair inflamed acne-prone aging skin, relieve sunburn without damaging the skin, whiten the skin, and promote skin elasticity

RED LIGHT Infared red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that may help skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body heal. It exposes you to low levels of red or near-infrared light. Infrared light is a type of energy your eyes can’t see, but your body can feel as heat. Red light is similar to infrared, but you can see it. 

How Does Red Light Therapy Work? With red light therapy, you expose your skin to a lamp, device, or laser with a red light. A part of your cells called mitochondria, sometimes called the “power generators” of your cells, soak it up and make more energy. Some experts think this helps cells repair themselves and become healthier. This spurs healing in skin and muscle tissue. Red light therapy uses very low levels of heat and doesn’t hurt or burn the skin. It’s not the same type of light used in tanning booths, and it doesn’t expose your skin to damaging UV rays


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Introducing GG Terahertz Compact: One of the top 10 technologies that will change the world

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