What is PEMF Therapy

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field. A PEMF is created by means of passing an electrical current via a copper coil around a magnet and turning that electrical current ON and OFF.  Each time the current is turned OFF and ON is regarded as one pulse and  then we measure how many pulses per second, they are measured in Hertz (Hz).  For instance a 10Hz PEMF has 10 pulses per second.

 (PEMF) therapy uses pulsing electromagnetic fields to stimulate and exercise cells by inducing tiny micro voltages in them. These micro-voltages help the cells restore their proper function and support overall wellness.

Otto Warberg, a Nobel Prize winner, found that healthy cells have Trans Membrane Potential (TMP) of around -70 to -90 millivolts. While unhealthy cells the TMP starts dropping where -50 millivolts can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome and can lead to many other serious issues if they drop lower. For inflammatory conditions TMP can increase to higher values of -120 mv or more.

Using PEMF therapy we can help bring cells back into their healthy range.

The Human body optimal frequency of the PEMF wave is the very low frequency close to the Schumann Primary Resonance of 7.83  hertz.

This is the essential natural magnetic frequency for the human body to preserve cell balance.

The subsequent essential thing in PEMF remedy is the depth,  measured in Gauss or Teslas. The principal significance of the depth of a PEMF is to grant full coverage. While much research has been done using low and high depth PEMF, most of the scientific proof factors prove that low depth PEMF being more beneficial and safe

Too low depth of the PEMF waves may not be adequate to penetrate through your body tissues and too high can also have deteriorating effects.

 Our GG mat’s PEMF depth is about three Gauss which is optimal and in the right spot of effectiveness being in a position to cover your whole body whilst lying down on the mat.

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PEMF Therapy - FDA Approved

Bill Doyle: Treating cancer with electric fields


Magnetic Field Intensity

Magnetic Field Intensity can be measured for each “Static” and “Dynamic” magnetic fields. PEMF is a dynamic magnetic subject and can be measured with an appropriate instrument. The Earth’s core magnetic discipline (which you can see from a compass reading) is a static magnetic area and it is about 250-650 milligauss power and varies at unique areas on the earth.

The Healthy Wave Mat measured dynamic magnetic discipline energy has a height depth up to about 3000 milligauss and extends to grant full coverage over the mat and surrounding the mat sides.

The PEMF waves create full body coverage of about 2 feet when laying on a mat

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Myths of PEMF Technology:

fact mythThere is a lot of misinformation and myths put out about various PEMF devices to try and make their devices stand out and over-complicating the technology and effectiveness. You don’t need to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to have an effective PEMF device. Remember, that for all items sold under “MLM” marketing you are paying huge commissions to people and their “upline”.

PEMF which has been used in hundreds of studies without these ultra expensive PEMF devices

Myth 1 –You need a device with lots of different frequencies to work on everything

Fact –Regardless which frequency was used (within the range of 0-100Hz) positive results were found by different studies addressing the same conditions with different frequencies. While certain frequencies may be better for certain conditions using a lower frequency <10Hz has been proven to be beneficial in most situations. GG Mats exclusively focus on safe and effective earth based frequencies between 1-30Hz.

Myth 2 –You need a device that is stronger near the feet and weaker near the head as that is how the intensity of Earth’s magnetic field is.

Fact –Earth’s magnetic field extends out about 40,000 miles away from the earth. There is virtually no difference in strength anyone experiences between their head and their feet. When using a PEMF mat you want the same or stronger magnetic field on your upper body as there is more tissue there. Intensity in PEMF affects magnetic induction so having weaker intensity near the head will mean less magnetic induction as well.

Myth 3 –You need large coil on a PEMF Mat since they have greater magnetic flux and induction.

Fact –This is completely false as we explained in our section on The Technical Details of PEMF Therapy. The math, science and testing shows there is no relation to coil size and magnetic flux or induction. This is essentially completely made market mumbo jumbo.

Myth 4 –You need a very high intensity PEMF strength to be effective (“more is better myth”). Some PEMF devices claim to have hundreds or even thousands of GAUSS in PEMF intensity saying that low intensity devices aren’t effective.

Fact –What the human body has been show to need from what is experienced in nature is the earth’s magnetic field of which varies in intensity of 250-650 milligauss and the Schumann global electromagnetic resonances are in the very low pico-tesla strength ( 1 pico tesla = 0.00001 milli-gauss ). Studies have shown higher intensity can have deteriorating to negative effects. Please read our article Is PEMF Therapy Dangerous? Here’s What The Research Shows.
Many studies as shown in PubMed Publications indicate that intensities of 1-15 Gauss of PEMF being effective.
Caution: High intensity PEMF’s could cause over stimulation of the cells and could cause harm. Consult your medical doctor and have supervision of therapy.

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