Why we need Negative Ions

We need negative ions to neutralize high positive ions which are additionally known as “free radicals". Positive ions or free radicals are lacking an electron so they want to find an extra electron to stabilize themselves. The positive ion or free radical will pull an electron off a neighboring molecule which causes a chain response or cascade of free radicals as electrons are ripped from neighboring molecules damaging the cells. A damaged cell could no longer function properly which is the beginning of sickness and degeneration of the organs. This chain response continues to manifest, inflicting the atomic buildings in the human body to begin cross-linking. Cross linking is when two comparable atomic structures share an electron to stabilize due to the lacking electron. Cross linking can happen in DNA which can lead to a variety of unpleasent results such as growing older and cancer. Additionally different cross- linking can show up between the protein and fat in our body, which is the major cause of wrinkles. Also LDL (Low density Lipoprotein) will begin the formation of plaque in arteries when oxidation occurs. This can lead to coronary heart disorder and stroke. Cellular oxidation ( free radical damage) can shorten existence spans and lead to different degenerative diseases. When we introduce Negative ions we neutralize the positive ions (free radicals) so molecules emerge as neutral. The addition of negative ions brings the molecules back to their natural state. Cross linking that has come about can be undone if there is a surplus of negative ions for these atomic structures. Negative ions assist in two ways; neutralizing positive ions (free radicals) before they can cause damage and moreover repairing any oxidative injury that happens to the body by means of free radicals.

Where do I get negative ions?

The great news is there are ample negative ions available however the terrible news is there are an ever growing quantity of positive ions counteracting them in our industrialized environment. Historically there have been 1.2 negative ions to every single positive ion in our environment. However this ratio has reversed and we are possibly to discover 1.2 positive ions for each negative ion. The end result is our bodies are continuously undergoing free radical injury due to all the extra positive ions until we furnish it with a surplus of negative ions.

Waterfalls, warm spring and different antioxidant wealthy waters

In nature warm springs and waterfalls additionally have a surplus of negative ions which takes place in the trip the water takes from the source till it reaches its destination. When water travels in nature it passes over rocks and clays choosing up essential minerals which additionally manifest to have a surplus of negative ions. We can measure these negative ions by the usage of an ORP ( oxidation discount workable ) meter which can inform us if we have a surplus of negative ions or positive ions. We can take advantage of these negative ions with the aid of being around waterfalls (absorbing them as they come free ), bathing in the water of the warm springs, or even consuming water with extra negative ions. You can gain this by consuming alkaline antioxidant water like Cerra Water or prepare it using your PEMF device.

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Forests and Plants

Did you know that herbal areas that have not been developed and industrialized have a vastly large quantity of negative ions. Plants are one of the fundamental producers of negative ions which is why we feel comfortable camping in forests and areas with loads of plant life. There is no accident that research has proven houseplants enhance air quality. The negative ions they produce do more than just assist our bodies battle free radicals, the negative ions produced by plants and flowers will simply purify the air by neutralizing dust, mildew spores, microorganisms and allergens.

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The problem

You probably are not staying in a woodland and are either in a residence or workplace at your pc so right away there are not enough negative ions in your environment. You are additionally no longer getting the negative ions from your faucet water as all metropolis water is loaded with free radicals. Additionally the meals we consume are additionally poor in the nutritional vitamins we use to get our antioxidants due to bad topsoil. Even if you are in a position to get the negative ions you want, these will quickly be canceled out due to excessive positive ion sources that surround you. The largest supply of positive ions is the EMFs from mobile phone phones, wi-fi, energy traces etc. The truth is, unless you are residing off the land in the woodland your surroundings are full of harmful positive ions (free radicals) and low in negative ions.

The solution is negative ion products

We can complement our bodies with the negative ions by means of the usage of GG Mats as they can generate over 1500 negative ions per cubic inch per minute. These negative ions are generated when we warm up the amethyst, tourmaline, jade & obsidian GG Mats are made of. By concentrating these natural negative ions sources we can without difficulty grant our bodies with the negative ions highly needed to counteract free radicals and oxidative damage.

Lying down on a Global Genesis Mat can grant your physique with  tens of millions of negative ions in much less than 20 minutes. This can grant your body with all the negative ions it needs with masses to spare! You nonetheless ought to get out in nature due to the many different fitness advantages barring neutralizing wonderful ions and repairing oxidative damage. In current society it will continually be a regular struggle to obtain negative ions needed. By offering all your cells with a surplus of negative ions  per day with your GG Mat your body can use this negative ion surplus to combat free radical injury that happens throughout the duration of the day.

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